A downloadable vector prompt pack

Mr. Breakfast's Free Prompts is an input prompt pack with over 400 svg and png assets. Inspired by the look and freedom of Kenney and the freedom of Xelu's free prompts.

The pack contains dark and light buttons, brand-specific buttons for current-generation consoles, and a full Latin keyboard.

Remix the source vector as much as you'd like, it's free, and I've made it as easy as possible. Find the repository on GitHub.

For the most up to date version of the pack, download the .zip from the GitHub repository here.


  • Nintendo Switch
  • Xbox Series
  • PlayStation™ 5
  • Steam Deck
  • Generic game pad
  • Keyboard and mouse

Development log


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Thank you so much for these. Tried them out in this demo:

Amazing work 🙌🏻

tried importing .svg in godot, but it seems the letters don't import properly (import is blank), not that it's a deal breaker but just a notice

thanks for the asset

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hello, do the buttons themselves show up? If they do, I wonder if it's because the letters were done with Inkscape's tools.

It could be because the glyphs are text, and the text depends on the system having the Poppins font. Try installing the font on your system, or install it to Godot if that's possible.

If you debug it or explore further, feel free to open an issue on the Github linked in the description!

Here's Mozilla's docs on text elements: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Element/text

SVG text elements need the font:


Try installing Poppins (it has an Open Font License). It looks like Godot has some font system itself, but I don't know much about game engines.

Alternatively, if you don't want to depend on Poppins, you could convert the text elements to a path (but that would be laborious.)

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library that godot uses for svg, doesn't support text and fonts


for engine ready svg prompts, you could vectorize all font elements (convert into paths)

That's unfortunate. I'll look into vectorization and add it to the issue tracker on GitHub


Hi! It's been awhile, but I've finally vectorized the text elements. I haven't yet updated the package here on Itch, but you can download from the GitHub repo with this link: https://github.com/mr-breakfast/mrbreakfasts_free_prompts/archive/refs/heads/mai... The link downloads the the current state of the repository.

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Hey these look great! One note though: it looks like the PS5 L1 and L2 are reversed? I mean, based on the height/shape of the icons, it looks as if L2 is the shoulder button and L1 is the trigger. Same deal with R1/R2.

I also might recommend a variant of the keyboard space button that has the word "space" on it, like the other keys :)

Thanks for the comment! I'll add your recommendations to a Github issue. I've never seen a PS5 controller irl, so would the problem be fixed if I just switched the labels for L1 and L2?

Yeah switching the labels would look better imo! Thanks for the response ✌

I made new variants of the space bar! Right now they're just in the repository, but I'll be updating the Itch package soon.

Awesome, thank you!!

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Hey, thank you for the asset, it looks simple yet amazing! I have used your asset in my clicker mobile game. I also credited you in the game.

The game is about clicking and destroying buttons and one of the buttons is yours.

I will definitely use this asset in my future projects.

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It includes everything (even AZERTY). Very cute style! Great work!

Tiny improvement possible : packing in atlas the prompts per controller. Very useful for gamedevs.


I'm wondering, what makes these prompts compatible with AZERTY?

Also, I've opened up an issue for packaging with atlases. One issue however is that some icons (like the PS5's and Steam Deck's touchpads) don't fit in the grid. I assume the sprites can be stiched though.

AZERTY keyboard layout

For example, on the top line we don't have numbers for base characters but symbols like parenthesis and ampersand. And as weird as it looks, these are not always in prompt packs.

On Unity it doesn't matter if they aren't on the grid because the Sprite splitter will cut what it needs. I found a random sprite packer online, added a tiny 1px padding and it did the trick.

But yeah, it is required for some tech that are only working with atlases (Text prompts inluding images). So having those packed would be a great advantage !

I will definitely get the atlases included when I have the time!

I've finally packed them as atlases, although I'm not entirely sure they'll work as they should (I have nothing to test with). Theoretically, the prompts are on a regular grid. At the moment, this is just in the git repo (haven't gotten to updating the packaging here)

Thanks ! Ill take a look and send you feedbacks. Btw your assets are in my last game :)